The Future of Textbooks
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt stands as one of the first major textbook publishers to publish a textbook as an “app.”  While many publishers offer e-book versions of their texts, those actually differ very little from their printed counterparts.  HMH Fuse is a comprehensive Algebra 1 resource that may change the way we teach math.

According to the presenter and accompanying website, in contrast to most e-books (or flat files) “students and educators using HMH Fuse: will benefit from:

  • Instructional videos that teach or re-teach all key concepts
  • Math Motion is a step-by-step interactive demonstration that displays the process to solve complex equations
  • Homework Help provides at-home support for intricate problems by providing hints for each step in the solution
  • Vocabulary support throughout with links to a complete glossary that includes audio definitions
  • Tips, hints, and links that enable students to acquire the help they need to understand the lessons every step of the way
  • Quizzes that assess student’s skills before they begin a concept and at strategic points throughout the chapters. Instant, automatic grading of quizzes lets students know exactly how they have performed
  • Immediate assessment results sent to teachers so they can better differentiate instruction”

This “app” is currently being piloted, but results have yet to be released to the public.  I think the instructional videos that can be paused, rewound, and played at a student’s own pace could certainly benefit those that don’t quite “get it” the first time around.

I am very interested to see how HMH Fuse performed against the control group.

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